The Promises of Prayer

Man’s frailty as a human being makes him prone to break his promises unintentionally. One of the most painful experiences is being in relationships with people you trust wholeheartedly and they break their promises to you. Broken relationships caused by lies and unfaithfulness can result in bitterness and unforgiveness.  Not only does the relationship with others suffer, but you are spiritually disconnected from God.
Perhaps, the psalmist understood this well when he wrote, “It is better to trust in Lord than put confidence in man” (Psalm 118:8).  He did not stop there; he continued by saying, “It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in princes” (Psalm 118:9). Princes speak of one in a higher rank. For example, we cannot put our confidence in men who hold positions of power and authority in government or spiritual leadership in churches. Our confidence should be in God. The good news is this: God is not a man so He does not lie (Numbers 23:19 NLT). His promises will come to pass. When God promises, He holds Himself accountable to His Word! 
Actually, the promise is made to Himself for our benefit! Wow! How can I make such a bold declaration? Consider the rainbow (Gen. 9:15-16). 
God made this promise to Noah after the great flood that destroyed all living things upon the face of the earth. He spared Noah and his family because Noah believed Him, followed His instructions, built the ark, and entered it with his family and the animals.  After forty days, God made a covenant (an unconditional promise) that He would never destroy every living creature upon the earth. Today we have a visible reminder of God’s promise— the beautiful rainbow.
Throughout the Bible, we find where God kept His promise to man.  God’s promise of redemption for all mankind was fulfilled in His Son Jesus’ virgin birth, humiliating death by crucifixion, burial, and bodily resurrection.  The promise of redemption is still in effect today. You and I along with thousands of Christians worldwide are evidence that God always keeps His promises. So when there is a promise made concerning prayer, you can be confident He will keep His promise. 

Excerpt from Prayer Principles for Beginners. Copyright 2012 Queen E. F. Phillips. All rights reserved.
