Father's Day Prayer

Heavenly Father,


Great and mighty God you are!  Holy is your name.  Thank you for the privilege to come to your Throne of Grace in confidence.

Thank you that we have access to the holy of holies through the blood of Jesus. Thank you, Jesus, our high priest and chief intercessor. Your name is exalted; we give you praise!

We bring our requests, praying for fathers, specifically biological fathers.  WE pray for their steadfastness in their responsibility to the call of fatherhood.  We pray that the eyes of their understanding be open so that they know who they are in Christ.  We pray that they realize their need for your guidance to lead their families in the path of righteousness.

I pray that they submit to the authority of your holy Word and that Christ is the foundation upon which their home stands.  Give them a praying spirit, spiritual insight, wisdom, and knowledge, and understanding.  May they know your will and follow your plan and set holy standards.  I pray that you give them divine strategies to lead, protect, and provide for their family.

Father, I pray for estranged dads separated from their children, justifiable or not, you know.

I pray for restoration, reconciliation, and wholeness. Your will be done in situations and circumstances unbeknownst to our understanding.  Father, I pray that there be a spirit of forgiveness among father and their sons and daughters. I pray that hearts are open to receive your grace and forgiveness for any hurts, wounds, and pains caused by broken relationships.

I pray for the salvation of fathers that have not acknowledged and received Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.  I pray that they recognize your desire to be the Rock of their salvation, their strength, strong tower, and the lifter of their head in times of adversity.

Father, heal the brokenhearted. Let the Spirit of the Lord rest upon fathers to revive, restore, and renew their minds.

May they rise to the call and be imitators of you, heavenly Father, filled with hope, faith, and love.

I pray this prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, with thanksgiving. Amen
