The Power of Prayer
one thing man grapples after is power. Much of the violence, abuse, corruption,
and lawlessness happening in society today is because people are
“power-hungry.” Unfortunately, many are blind to the truth that the power they
seek is available to them by being in a right relationship with God through
faith in Jesus Christ. After accepting Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, prayer
is like glue that holds your relationship together. And, of course, the more
you pray, study, and obey God’s Word, you grow spiritually, and your character
changes—the fruit of Spirit begins to manifest in your life. It is also known
as transformation. That is powerful. A
Christian has access to the supernatural power of God’s Spirit—the Holy
Spirit—through a life of prayer.
The prayer of a person living right with God is something powerful to be reckoned
with. Elijah, for instance, was human just like us, prayed hard that it would not
rain, and it didn’t—not a drop for three and a half years. Then he prayed that
it would rain, and it did. The showers came and everything started growing
again. —James 5:16 MSG
of this generation’s prayer generals is Dr. Cindy Trimm. In her book, The Rules
of Engagement, she discusses the power of prayer by using the prophet Elijah as
an example. Dr. Trimm writes: “Elijah knew the power of prayer, and throughout
his dealings with Ahab, he maintained clear communications to the God of
heaven.” She further cites James 5:17, as revealing to us the secret of
Elijah’s power. James declares, “Elijah was a man just like us. He prayed
earnestly. Earnest prayer from this righteous man produced supernatural
results.” (Read James 5:16 for yourself). I passionately believe God’s Word,
and that if Elijah prayed earnestly and got powerful results, I can too!
combination of prayer and God’s Word are weapons that send the devil running
until there is another opportune season, which is why we must maintain a prayer
life and persist in prayer. (Read Matthew 4:1-11). Have you ever considered why
it is so hard to pray because of distractions and obstacles? The enemy knows
the power of prayer; however, it is a large number of Christians that are
ignorant of the power of prayer. The prayers of the righteous legislate Heaven
to intervene in the affairs of men. “Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on
earth as in heaven.” Now that darkness
covers the whole earth and gross darkness the people, it is well time that we
arise. Our Light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon us.
the glory of the Lord be revealed against all that is happening in the world—COVID-19,
the invisible enemy, the unprecedented rise in systemic racism and injustice, and
the increase in lawlessness. We are in a battle that can only be won by the supernatural power of God wrought by the
Spirit of the Living God, the authority of God’s Word, the name of Jesus and
His blood. God has provided and equipped us to live a victorious life in this
present world.
have heard the adage, “knowledge is power.” Let me give you this truth—knowledge
of God through the practice of prayer produces power. The apostles were a force
to be reckoned with after the outpouring of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2). But do
you know what they were doing prior to the descent of that Power? Yes. They were
praying in that Upper Room.
Copyright 2013, 2020 Queen E. Phillips. All rights reserved.
Copyright 2013, 2020 Queen E. Phillips. All rights reserved.
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