The subject of prayer is extensive!  There is no shortage of books on prayer.  It is a universal subject, but different in practice, methodology, and style based on one’s religious system of beliefs.   Two things that make prayer universal are definition and faith.  A general definition of prayer in any religion is simply “talking” to, or “communication” with a deity or divine being.  The second thing that makes prayer universal is one’s personal faith—believing and, or expecting that the divine being or deity you’re talking to hears you and will respond favorably to you, and has the power to grant your request, and change things.  Additionally, prayer is one’s expression of devotion to your divine being that keeps you connected spiritually, thereby influencing every aspect of life and creation.

This blog focuses basically on the latter.  It was created to provide you with prayer principles, strategies, and instructions from the Word of God (Holy Bible) to inspire you and encourage you to have a powerful, consistent prayer life as a Christian.

This blog was divinely inspired to reach new converts (babes in Christ),  the “nontraditional” and “unchurched” audiences—those who are not accustomed to the traditional prayers and charismatic antics that sometimes come across as entertainment rather than conversations with Abba Father—conversational prayer.  Oftentimes these targeted audiences are intimidated by others’ styles of praying; consequently, they are too timid to pray, especially in group/corporate prayer settings.  And their prayer life may never develop in public or private because they’re convinced that a certain style of prayer is required.  When there is no constant and consistent fellowship (communication) with God, there can be no spiritual growth.  And eventually, your relationship with Him is broken, which leads to what is called a “backslidden” state.

Additionally, I have witnessed persons accept Jesus Christ as Savior; however, His lordship over their life is never established because there is no constant communication (prayer) to receive the power, strength, and stability required to overcome the temptations that arise being a new follower of Christ. When new converts struggle with developing and maintaining a prayer life, their relationship with God suffers. Consequently, they lose hope, become faint, and give up on their faith walk especially if the challenges they faced before accepting Jesus Christ as Savior doesn’t get any better afterward.  A prayerless life is an open prey for the adversary on the prowl like a roaring lion for weak and powerless Christians.

This is why training and coaching in prayer are imperative. However, as believers who struggle with having a prayer life, it is our responsibility to seek the help needed.  Ultimately, it is our decision to draw closer to God through prayer, and He will draw near to us. In Luke 11:1-13, we see it was Jesus’ disciples that asked Him, “Lord, teach us to pray.”  Also, in Matthew 6:5-14, Jesus gives instructions about prayer. For the Christian believer, prayer is our lifeline. Prayer is the key to all the treasures of this life and the hereafter.
