
Wrestling in Prayer

 A. W. Tozer is one of my favorite authors when it comes to prayer. During a 28-Days Meditation on Prayer in my personal devotion, I wrote this in my journal... We all have the tendency to pray for what we desire with fervency and intensity, but is it what God desires? Wrestling in prayer should never become an extreme religious activity with a motive to get our own way. The questions are who's doing the praying? Is it our determined heart, or the Holy Spirit? If we are praying in the Spirit, then prayer originates with God the Holy Spirit. Therefore, wrestling can be beautiful and certainly profitable. An example to consider is Jacob (Genesis 32:24-29). God initiated the wrestling! Praying in the Spirit is like God wrestling with Himself in you to transform your will to align with His. This is a good thing! Will you let God wrestle with you in prayer until you're changed from the inside out and have a limp to remind you of the power of praying in the Spirit? #prayingintheSpir...

God Our Heavenly Father

I recall sitting in the prayer room and reading many prayer requests. I noticed one common thread. The requests were all centered on self-will—what ‘I’ want, what ‘I’ need for God to do. The emphasis was on ‘me’, ‘my’, and ‘mine’.  Please keep reading so that you don’t misunderstand the inspirational enlightenment of this article.  None of the requests had anything to do with God’s will, plan, or purpose. There were no requests for ‘more’ of God. There were no prayer requests for spiritual growth, to know God, to have a deeper relationship with Christ or revival. I know the Bible says “…let your requests be made known to God” (Philippians 4:6) Yes, Jesus said, “… ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you” (Matthew 7:8-11; Luke 11:9-13). These passages both speak to the infinite Fatherhood of God and His faithfulness to His children who are persistent in prayer. However, within the context of Luke 11:9-13, Luke i...

The Power of Prayer

The one thing man grapples after is power. Much of the violence, abuse, corruption, and lawlessness happening in society today is because people are “power-hungry.” Unfortunately, many are blind to the truth that the power they seek is available to them by being in a right relationship with God through faith in Jesus Christ. After accepting Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, prayer is like glue that holds your relationship together. And, of course, the more you pray, study, and obey God’s Word, you grow spiritually, and your character changes—the fruit of Spirit begins to manifest in your life. It is also known as transformation.   That is powerful. A Christian has access to the supernatural power of God’s Spirit—the Holy Spirit—through a life of prayer. The prayer of a person living right with God is something powerful to be reckoned with. Elijah, for instance, was human just like us, prayed hard that it would not rain, and it didn’t—not a drop for three and a half years. ...

Father's Day Prayer

Heavenly Father,   Great and mighty God you are!   Holy is your name.   Thank you for the privilege to come to your Throne of Grace in confidence. Thank you that we have access to the holy of holies through the blood of Jesus. Thank you, Jesus, our high priest and chief intercessor. Your name is exalted; we give you praise! We bring our requests, praying for fathers, specifically biological fathers.   WE pray for their steadfastness in their responsibility to the call of fatherhood.   We pray that the eyes of their understanding be open so that they know who they are in Christ.   We pray that they realize their need for your guidance to lead their families in the path of righteousness. I pray that they submit to the authority of your holy Word and that Christ is the foundation upon which their home stands.   Give them a praying spirit, spiritual insight, wisdom, and knowledge, and understanding.   May they know your will and follow your ...

Types of Prayer- Prayer of Confession


Corporate Prayer Personal Checklist

PERSONAL PREPARATION CHECKLIST FOR CORPORATE PRAYER SERVICES o Prepare through personal consecration and prayer time especially as the scheduled prayer service dates approach. o Pray that the Lord has His way. Yield/submit to Him for what He requires of you during the corporate prayer times. o Attitude/mindset toward prayer: “Here am I”; “Yes, Lord to Your will.” o Come with a sense of urgency to seek the face of God. o Come seeking God’s purpose and to be in His presence with the saints. o Come with expectancy and anticipation of a move of the Holy Spirit. o Pray for the “spirit of prayer” to be released and for His glory to be revealed. o Ask God to anoint you afresh and to reveal His heart concerning prayer. o Bind the spirit of distraction, the spirit of discord, the spirit of discouragement, the spirit of depression, the spirit of fear, and doubt.   Loose spirit of unity, encouragement, faith, love, joy, and peace. o...

The Promises of Prayer

Man’s frailty as a human being makes him prone to break his promises unintentionally. One of the most painful experiences is being in relationships with people you trust wholeheartedly and they break their promises to you. Broken relationships caused by lies and unfaithfulness can result in bitterness and unforgiveness.  Not only does the relationship with others suffer, but you are spiritually disconnected from God. Perhaps, the psalmist understood this well when he wrote, “It is better to trust in Lord than put confidence in man” (Psalm 118:8).  He did not stop there; he continued by saying, “It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in princes” (Psalm 118:9). Princes speak of one in a higher rank. For example, we cannot put our confidence in men who hold positions of power and authority in government or spiritual leadership in churches. Our confidence should be in God. The good news is this: God is not a man so He does not lie (Numbers 23:19 N...